Sumerianz Journal of Education, Linguistics and Literature

Online ISSN: 2617-1201
Print ISSN: 2617-1732

Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

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Volume 3 Issue 7 (2020)

Impact of the Feedback Environment on the Use of Teaching Aids in TVET Educational Institutions of Malaysia

Authors : Ying-Leh Ling ; Charles Muling Libau
This quantitative descriptive study was designed to determine the effect of teaching aids and the feedback environment on student learning in Sarawak. A total of 116 students from the local TVET educational institution participated in this study. The data were collected using a structured questionnaire adapted from previous researchers. The results of the hierarchical regression analysis showed a strong relationship between teaching aid and the feedback environment with student learning. In relation, findings have shown that the quality of feedback and the use of teaching aids have an impact on student learning in TVET educational institutions. The findings suggest that educators need to improve their ability to provide quality feedback while using teaching aids that are relevant to teaching content.

Pages: 164-168

A Comparative Study of Chinese and Western Fairy Tales: As Seen in the Happy Prince and the Scarecrow

Authors : Zhao Yue ; Zhang Yilun
As a genre of juvenile and children’s literature, fairy tale has been of much renown in Chinese and western countries. Western fairy tales are well known worldwide, Oscar Wilde’s The Happy Prince can be taken as an example. It tells a story on the relationship, developing from unfamiliarity, acquaintance to dependence, between the happy prince and the sparrow. With regard to Chinese fairy tales, The Scarecrow written by Ye Shengtao is one of the early representative works in modern Chinese fairy tales. It presents three bitter scenes the scarecrow viewed in the nighttime. Based on a comparative analysis of the two fairy tales from such four aspects as historical backgrounds, characters, plots and themes, this essay attempts to detect the underlying reasons for their emergence, in the hope of achieving a further understanding of the two fairy tales.

Pages: 159-163

Implementing Agricultural Education Programmes in Colleges of Education Through Effective Management of Institutional Resources in South Eastern Nigeria

Authors : Francis M. Onu ; Charles U. Ugwuoke ; Vincent C. Asogwa
In tertiary institutions in Nigeria, there is a serious financial challenge arising from government’s under-funding and lack of executive capacity to judiciously spend earmarked funds and account for the expenditure satisfactorily. This ugly situation seems to be affecting the resources and quality of Colleges of Education and would continue to downgrade the quantity and quality of facilities of the institutions’ programmes including Agricultural Education, if left unabated. The study, therefore, identified ways of managing institutional resources for effective implementation of agricultural education programme at the colleges of education in Southeastern Nigeria.  Resources available to colleges of education (COEs) in Nigeria are limited, and balanced academic knowledge and practical skills are required of graduates of agricultural education. Therefore, there is need to evolve sustainable strategies for managing resources in agricultural education programme of COEs in Southeastern Nigeria. The study adopted survey research design with a total population of 98 respondents that comprised of 91 agricultural education lecturers and 7 provosts from Federal and State Colleges of Education in the study area. Questionnaire was the instrument used for data collection. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics like Mean and Standard deviation, while t-test was used to test the hypotheses. Findings revealed 12 initiatives for managing institutional resources on facilities. In addition, the study revealed 7 initiatives for managing personnel resource and 3 initiatives for financial resource. Facility management initiatives recommended are: partnership and group models of facility acquisition, adoption of fixed-time maintenance strategy; while personnel management initiative was sending academic staff to agricultural firms to update their skills on the latest technology. On financial management initiatives, generating fund from the college farm was recommended.

Pages: 152-158

The Role of Adult Education in Sustaining Cities and Communities in Nigeria: Impact of Fourth Industrial Revolution

Authors : Adedokun M. O. ; Adeyemo C. W. ; Agboola B. G. ; Kayode G. M.
This is an era of technological advancement. New things are springing up daily that needs to be supported with innovative ideas and creativity. Any state that is contented with the status quo is not bound to develop. For rapid development to take place in cities and communities, there is need for a level of disruption. This is the basis and core of the fourth industrial revolution. This paper is based on the fact that every country of the world needs to imbibe the idea of the newest technology with a view to attending to the various challenges facing development especially in Nigerian cities and communities. The challenge of not moving along the newest technological innovations had always led to difficulties  in fixing socio-economic problems which eventually inhibit the rate of development in cities and communities and individuals within them.  The fourth industrial revolution is not limited to just a group of young people but also adults. Adults should be carried along in the newest technological evolvement through all the laudable programmes of adult education. Technology stimulates creativity which brings about innovation. The fourth industrial revolution which is a combination of earlier technological inventions and revolutions would lead to stimulation of better creativity for sustainable development of cities and communities and of the people. This paper, thus, focused on how integrating technological innovation of the 21st century into adult education programmes would stimulate creativity in community people thereby leading to creativity, innovations and subsequently sustainability of cities and communities. The authors recommend among others that the Federal Government of Nigeria should focus more on adult education which has immediate relevance to the growth of persons, cities and communities in Nigeria. It is also recommended that technological education should be introduced into all programmes of adult education and efforts should be made to remove every hindrance to technical education from every adult learner and education should be made accessible to all while the curriculum of both the formal and adult education programmes should be replete with elements of the fourth industrial revolution so that none will be left out of the new development agenda.

Pages: 145-151