Sumerianz Journal of Education, Linguistics and Literature

Online ISSN: 2617-1201
Print ISSN: 2617-1732

Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

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Volume 1 Issue 4 (2018)

Can Positive Exposure to the Culture of the L2 Increase Motivation in A Korean University Classroom and Investment Outside of the Classroom?

Authors : Chris Kobylinski
This paper examines some views on Second Language learning motivation and focuses on the effects of introducing culture (American) in a positive way in a Korean university EFL classroom. The researcher added activities and lessons to the syllabus that highlighted cultural differences and similarities, exposed students to new elements of culture and showed various practical uses of English in today’s society. It was hypothesized that this positive exposure would increase motivation and confidence. The students responded favorably to most activities and reported an increase in confidence and a slight increase in interest in using English outside of the classroom, specifically, for social media purposes.

Pages: 106-111

Effects of Teaching Style on Student’s Satisfaction through the Mediating Role of Teacher’s Behavior and Qualification

Authors : Nadia Javed ; Nisar Ahmad Bazmi
In today’s modern era where research is the key to do anything new or to make improvements in the existing system or business so it is important for a researcher to write down articles about the various subject matters that would help people in understanding new things and adding value to the existing knowledge about the subject matter. Most of the teachers use different types of teaching styles with the intent of making learning more effective and increasing the satisfaction level of students. On the basis of the feedback provided by students, they assess the teaching style that is most effective and that satisfies the needs of the students. Recent studies have showed that student satisfaction is measured by looking at factors like the behavior of teachers, the environment of study and many other factors. So we have assessed the effect of teaching style on student satisfaction through the mediating role of teacher’s behavior and qualification. This article focuses on the methods used by teachers, their behavior and delivery style. On the basis of the results and analysis it can concluded that both teachers’ qualification and their behavior has its direct impact on student satisfaction. The conclusion that was drawn from the results was that the mediating role teacher qualification and behavior mediates the relationship between independent and dependent variables.

Pages: 96-105