Sumerianz Journal of Economics and Finance

Online ISSN: 2617-6947
Print ISSN: 2617-7641

Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

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Volume 3 Issue 9 (2020)

Empirical Analysis of the Impact of Interest Rate Spread on Commercial Banks’ Credit in Nigeria (An ARDL Model Approach)

Authors : Efanga Udeme Okon ; Etim Raphael S. ; Jeremiah Mfon S.
The main objective of this study is to analyze the impact of interest rate spread on the efficacy of commercial banks’ lending in Nigeria. Data were obtained from secondary sources; Central Bank of Nigeria (2018) and International Monetary Fund (2018), International Financial Statistics and data files. Unit root test on the time series data displayed a combination of 1(0) and 1(1) variables, the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) Model was employed for data estimation. Several diagnostic tests such as auto-correlation test, Ramsey stability test, serial correlation test and test for heteroscedasticity were also carried out and they all confirmed the goodness of fit and validity of the model employed.  Findings reveal that: interest rate spread impacted positively and significantly on commercial banks’ loans and advances in Nigeria. The study therefore concludes that interest rate spread impacted commercial banks’ loans and advances in Nigeria positively across the period covered by this study. The study recommend that commercial banks in Nigeria should maintain their current interest rate spread strategy, since it is working well for them and helping them realize a high demand for their loans and advances in Nigeria.

Pages: 142-150

Deployement of Block Chain Technology on Supply Chains: Opportunities and Challenges During Emergencies; A White Paper Analysis

Authors : Nurwin Fozia Rajab
Corona Pandemic, Covid 19 as it is called has been declared by the World Health Organization as a worldwide disaster. It has closed off countries and destabilized business. Coroan pandermic has had an unprecedented effected on global trade with China on lock down and other countires have also followed suit. Very many countries went on lock down with the 2nd wave hitting quite a number of countries. Other countries that are affected include Iran and United States of America.  North African Countries haave closed their borders to Europe and thus we see an interesting dimension of a world wide disaster. Interestingly Africa is not very adversely affected in terms of infections abut the cross border business is affected. The aim of this paper is to find out the ripple effect of the Covid 19 pandermic on the global supply chain with a focus on Kenya and the business opportunities that the pandermic offers to Africans. Being a very new area, this is more of an analysis of trends and opportunities and hopefully create knowledge as we review information that is available. Blockchain analysis are what will be at the forefront of the paper. Supply chains are facing uprecedented challenges from Artificial Intelligence. This white paper will not look at the medical aspects but at the business side with a major bias on the supply chains using block chain technology and the major turbulances the pandermic will deal to the economies, opportunities and challenges offered in supply chain.

Pages: 133-141