Sumerianz Journal of Social Science

Online ISSN: 2616-8693
Print ISSN: 2617-1716
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)
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Volume 7 Issue 3 (2024)
Cultural Tourism Potential and its Development Challenges in Harari Region, Ethiopia
Authors : Haymanot Belay
Abstract:The Harari Region offers a rich cultural experience, including well-known historical sites, vibrant festivals, traditional arts, and unique culinary offerings, attracting tourists worldwide. The objective of this study was to assess cultural tourism potential and development challenges in Harari Region. A descriptive research design employed both qualitative and quantitative research approaches to describe the existing phenomena. The study employed probability and non-probability sampling techniques to obtain a representative sample and targeted groups. The respondents to this study were culture and tourism office experts, tourist guides, Museum Staff guides, Souvenir Shop sellers, and local communities. Qualitative data is collected through semi-structured interviews and observation, while quantitative data is collected through questionnaires. The quantitative data was analyzed using SPSS version 20 using frequency, percentage, and charts, using both primary and secondary data sources. The study finding reveals that despite the region’s rich cultural heritage, there are development challenges like inadequate infrastructure, insufficient promotional efforts, lack of awareness, poor handling systems, limited documentation, financial constraints, and urban pressures. The findings suggest that stakeholders should utilize cultural tourism properly while avoiding development challenges to support the Harari region and Ethiopia’s development efforts.
Nonlinear Whole Parapsychology and Its Mathematical-Physical Methods
Authors : Yi-Fang Chang
Abstract:Based on the quantum theory, we first discuss some research of parapsychology, whose experiments indicate possible existence of new other worlds. Panpsychism shows also the existence of mind, psi, etc., except general matter-energy-information. Second, we propose the nonlinear whole parapsychology and its three basic rules. Third, we study some mathematical and physical methods, which include the thought field, quantum parapsychology, etc. Fourth, new spaces of parapsychology and the network model are researched. Fifth, we search a mathematical space with complex manifold—Kahler geometry, which may provide wide perspectives to lucubrate new worlds in parapsychology. Chinese parapsychology can combine rich traditional Chinese culture to display various unique phenomena, but parapsychology must be universal for the world.
From Roe to Dobbs: How the Supreme Court of the United States (Scotus) Muddled Through Half a Century Women’s Reproductive Rights/ Abortion from Enshrinement to Dissolution
Authors : Ngozi Caleb Kamalu ; Hannah Oluchi Kamalu
Abstract:This study explores the evolution of U.S. Supreme Court ruling from (Tribe, 1973). That is, how the ruling in Roe which codified the right of women to abortion and the precedent set survived the test of time for more than half century until the Dobbs Case whose ruling overturned the enshrined privacy right of women. It also examines how states took advantage of contradictions and inconsistencies in decades of Supreme Court rulings to pass anti-abortion laws which were challenged with its cases reverted to the courts, thereby creating a revolving door scenario for litigants and states as well as prolife and prochoice groups over abortion. In the analysis, the author identified the role politics played in the “packing” of the Supreme Court with conservative judges who are committed to overturning Roe based on their “judicial restraint” doctrine that follows the lead of the legislature in interpreting the law and denying the enshrined and codified rights of women to abortion. Furthermore, the authors suggest various mitigation strategies to rectify the situation and codify the rights of women to access abortion through scenarios and options such as the use of federal powers through “executive order” to guarantee the principle of free interstate movement and commerce that will allow abortion seeking women to freely move from anti-abortion and pro-life states to those of pro-choice where abortion is allowed without penalty; the institution of term limit for judicial appointees to override the current life-long appointments; expansion of the Supreme Court beyond the current nine justices to allow the inclusion by appointment of more liberal judges who will likely interpret the law based on “Judicial Activism” doctrine and principles and interpretation of the constitution in a manner consistent with the spirit of the time and the challenging needs of the nation; suspension or removal of the “filibuster” to allow vote in the senate and possible passage of federal legislation to codify Roe, and constitutional amendment even though it has a slim chance of ratification. The authors conclude with the clear statement that the fight for women’s right to reproductive rights/abortion and the codification of Roe though legislation does not end with the Dobbs by the U.S. Supreme Court ruling, but rather just a reboot that has triggered the beginning of a new fight to restore the reproductive rights of Americans.