Sumerianz Journal of Biotechnology

Online ISSN: 2617-3050
Print ISSN: 2617-3123
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)
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Volume 2 Issue 2 (2019)
Study of pH Value in Longissimus Dorsi Muscle of Cattle Meat, Camel Meat, Sheep Meat and Goat Meat in Khartoum State
Authors : Dr. Siham Abdelwhab Alamin
Abstract:This study was conducted in the College of Animal Production Science and Technology, Sudan University of Science and Technology to investigate the pH after zero and 24 hrs. Post-slaughter values in the muscles of cattle meat, camel meat, Sheep meat and Goat meat, (longissimus Dorsii muscle from carcass of young animals). The pH determined according to Association of Official Analytical Chemists methods [1]. The samples were analyzed in three different brands of these raw cuts in duplicate. The results showed that there was no significant (P>0.05) difference between cattle meat, camel meat, Sheep meat and Goat meat in pH values. However the pH values of fresh muscles (after zero hrs. post-slaughter) were (6.53, 6.67, 6.83 and 6.76) in cattle meat, camel meat, sheep meat and goat meat respectively. Also the pH values after 24 hrs. Post-slaughter were (5.65, 5.89, 5.68 and 5.87) in cattle meat, camel meat, sheep meat and goat meat respectively. The study showed that there was a decrease in pH during 0 to 24 hrs. Period of storage at 4C0. This study showed that the ultimate pH values of muscles/meats immediately after slaughter varied between (6.5 - 6.76). Camel meat had significantly higher pH values than beef at zero and 24 hrs. Post-mortem.