Sumerianz Journal of Biotechnology

Online ISSN: 2617-3050
Print ISSN: 2617-3123
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)
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Volume 5 Issue 1 (2022)
Evaluation of Staining on Rat Brain Tissue with the Dual Combination of Roselle (Hibiscus Sabdariffa L.) and Alkanet (Alkanna Tinctoria (L.) Tausch) Extracts
Authors : Nilgün KUSCULU ; Sedat PER ; Hüseyin BENLI ; Mehmet KÖSE
Abstract:Natural colorants are used in many different areas such as textiles, cosmetics, leather, and medicine. The purpose of this study is to identify a natural colorant combination that can be an alternative to Hematoxylin-eosin dye using plant sources. For this, roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) and alkanet (Alkanna tinctoria) plants were used. The Hematoxylin-Eosin (H&E) staining procedure, most used for staining steps, was taken as standard. In this procedure, extracts of Hibiscus sabdariffa (Hs) in distilled water instead of eosin, and Alkanna tinctoria (At) in ethyl alcohol instead of hematoxylin were used. Seven different experimental sets were created by changing the position of the dyes in the H&E procedure and adding metal salts K Al (SO4)2 .12 H2O, CuSO4 .5H2O. One healthy rat brain tissue preparate was immersed in each of the seven different experimental sets. Another preparate of the same brain tissue was stained with H&E stain for positive control purposes. Preparate not staining was used as negative control. After the staining, images were taken in the light microscope of the tissues of eight preparates which were closed with the entellan. It was observed that the rat brain tissue nucleus and cytoplasm were stained in different colors, especially in the step using copper sulfate and alum. Because plants using in staining have different chemical structures like terpenoids, flavonoids, phenolics.
Effects of Poultry Manure Application on the Early Seedling Development of Treculia Africana (Breadfruit)
Authors : Iroka F. Chisom ; Mbaukwu A. Onyinye ; Orji E. May ; Chiawa O. Crescent ; Aziagba O. Bibian
Abstract:This study was carried out to ascertain the effects of different rates of poultry manure on early seedling development of Treculia africana. The experiment was carried out at Nnamdi Azikwe University Awka. Randomized Complete Block Design was used for the study. A total number of 18 perforated poly bags (48cm×40cm) containing 10kg of soil were laid out in the screen house in a Randomized Completely Block Design (RCBD) with 6 treatments in 3 replicates. The levels of treatment were, 0.0g, 17g, 34g, 51g, 68g, and 85g of poultry manure per 10kg of soil which were sun-dried to conserve the nutrient properties and for easy handling, weighed properly and incorporated into the soil 2 weeks prior to sowing. Growth parameters such as changes in length, girth, leaf area and number of leaves were measured on bi-weekly bases and recorded accordingly. The physicochemical properties of the soil sample and poultry manure is shown in Table 1. The table revealed that the soil sample contained higher composition of sand than silt and clay. The poultry manure contained higher pH, organic carbon, available phosphorus, potassium ion and calcium ion than the soil samples. The effect of different rates of poultry manure on percentage germination of Treculia africana was shown in Table 2. The result of the effect of different rates of poultry manure on the germination of T. africana revealed that rate of 68g/10kg gave the highest percentage germination of (85.17±0.208 %), 85g/10kg gave the highest increase in stem girth from 1.02±0.026cm in week 2. the number of leaves of T. africana indicated that the rate of 85g/10kg gave the highest increase in the number of leaves from 3.50±0.015 in weeks 2 to 5.01±0.010in weeks 8, while 85g/10kggave the highest increase in leaf area from 26.65±2.904cm2 in weeks 2 to 47.80±0.046cm2 in weeks 8. Due to the ecosystem pollutions caused by use of inorganic materials, this study has demonstrated the potential of poultry manure in enhancing the early seedling growth of T. africana in fairly low nutrient soil. There was an increase growth rate of the seedlings with increasing rates of poultry manure. All the parameters of T. africana seedling responded positively to various rate of poultry manure with the seedlings with 85g/10kg rate of the poultry giving the best performance while the control plants gave the lowest performance.
Potential Protective Effects of Strawberry (Fragaria Ananassa) Leaves Against Alloxan Induced Type 2 Diabetes in Rats: Molecular, Biological and Biochemical Studies
Authors : Yousif A. Elhassaneen ; Sobhy E. Hassab El-Nabi ; Mohammed Z. Mahran ; Asmaa I. Bayomi ; Esraa Z. Badwy
Abstract:The present study aimed to clarify the effect of strawberry (Fragaria ananassa) leaves powder on some biological, biochemical and molecular parameters of alloxan-induced diabetes in rats. Diabetic rats were fed treated daily with four doses (2.5, 5 , 7.5 and 10%, w/w) of strawberry leaves powder (SLP) for 28 days, and some molecular parameters for diabetic rats were fed treated daily with two doses (7.5 and 10%, w/w) of strawberry leaves powder for 24 hours ,3 days and 10 days after preliminary study. Diabetic rats exhibited significant decreases in BWG, FI, FER values and increases the relative organs (liver, kidney, heart, spleen and lungs) weight as compared to the control. Also, significant increases in blood glucose, liver functions (AST and ALT) and kidney functions (urea and creatinine) parameters in diabetic rats as compared to the control. Supplementation of the rat diets with 2.5% to 10% w/w by SLP decreased the blood glucose level and improved the hyperglycemia complications includes liver and kidneys functions. For molecular data, feeding diabetic rats with SLP caused a significant (p≤0.05) increased in the values of mean maximal optical density (MODY) of RNA as compared with control diabetic rats. Also, diabetes increase DNA damage (maximal optical density of apoptotic fragments) of liver and pancreas in rats which has been significantly improved by feeding SLP. In conclusion, date of the present study provide a basis for the use of SLP for the prevention and/or treatment of T2D instead of/beside the synthetic medications which may have unwanted side effects.