Sumerianz Journal of Biotechnology

Online ISSN: 2617-3050
Print ISSN: 2617-3123
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)
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Volume 3 Issue 7 (2020)
Applications of High Pressure in Biological Sciences and Food Technology
Authors : Aldona Krupska ; Marcin Krupski
Abstract:The aim of this review is the overview the main applications of high hydrostatic pressure in science, especially in the biological sciences such as: biochemistry, biology, food technology or medicine. In this work will be shown the impact of high pressure on the biochemical processes and on living systems. The application of pressure on food preparation and sterilization will be shown. We will be paying close of the chemical Le Chetelier’s rule as the fundamental principle for understanding the role of pressure in biology and biochemistry. The unsupported area principle will be explained as the universal basis for all pressure used techniques. The basic piston cylinder technique used to produce pressures also refers to the biology applications will be shown.
Blowflies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) As Forensic Indicators in Egypt with Special Reference to the Development Data of Lucilia Cuprina (Wiedemann)
Authors : Ghada Mohamed El-Bassiony
Abstract:The attraction of Calliphoridae flies, as initial colonizers, to human corpses within a short period following exposure was well studied. However, access to helpful data regarding blowflies’ succession patterns is lacking in Egypt. Calliphoridae provides an important source of evidence for forensic/ criminal investigations. However, climate change is altering the distribution of invertebrate pests, including forensically important insects. A modern and continuous record of succession patterns of insects in Egypt will give crucial information and assist forensic investigators. Moreover, examining the link between the geographic distribution of insects and the location-specific climatic conditions will aid in assuming the future insects’ distribution scenarios, which are needed in assessing the post-mortem interval. This review recorded several succession models of blowflies on vertebrate carrion in Egypt. Also, it focused on the impact of the regional environmental variations on the life cycle of Lucilia cuprina, one among the primary flies to occupy a cadaver upon its death.