Sumerianz Journal of Biotechnology

Online ISSN: 2617-3050
Print ISSN: 2617-3123

Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

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Volume 7 Issue 3 (2024)

Chromosome Study of Six Populations of Trifolium tumens Stev. ex M. B. in IRAN

Authors : F. Salimpour ; A. Mazooji
Trifolium tumens Stev. ex M. B is a perennial legume with long‐lived and  deep rooting from the Vesicaria section in Trifolium genus.  It is distributed in Iran. The base chromosome number (x = 8) in the population, confirmed the views of the previous researchers. In this study, the number of chromosomes in the mitotic metaphase stage in the meristematic cells of the root ends were counted in six populations of Trifolium tumens. Also, chloroplast count of stomata guard cells, morphological studies, pollen grain size and flowcytometry were studied in six accessions.  Our results showed that this species has ploidy level (2n=16, 2n=32). and the tetraploid state in the species T. tumens is reported. Through flowcytometry, chloroplast count of stomata guard cells and compare the pollen grain, different characters  were showed between diploid and tetraploid populations, too.  Based on the results, this new cytotype is reported from Iran.

Pages: 48-53

Diversity Analysis in Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) Genotypes Using Microsatellite Markers

Authors : Anita Pande; Bharti Kumari; Abdul Majid Ansari
Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) is commonly called as eggplant or aubergine. It is one of the most important commercial solanaceous vegetable crops grown widely in Asian and African countries. It is popular among people of all social strata and is rightly called a vegetable of masses [1, 2]. It is of substantial economic importance in Asia, Africa, and the subtropics (India, Central America), and it is also grown in some warm temperate regions (Mediterranean area, Southern USA) [3, 4]. It is an old world species and native to Indo-Chinese centre of origin [5]. The genus Solanum is morphologically hypervariable and highly diverse in number of species [6] and ecogeographical distribution [7]. Despite the economic and nutritional importance of eggplant, breeding efforts in this crop have been limited compared to other solanaceous crops, such as tomato and potato [8, 9]. In the present study  30 solanaceae specific microsatellite markers were used of which 29 showed good amplification in the 4 checks used viz state check for round and oblong to long fruit, national check for round fruit and national check for oblong to long fruit. Of these 29, primer set emi04J02 and emk03O04 did show amplification in the other genotypes. Finally, 27 markers were used for analysis. Of these 23 showed monomorphic pattern (85.1%) whereas only 4 showed some polymorphism (14.8 %). The most informative marker was eme01D03 which showed presence of 3 alleles. The low degree of polymorphism indicated a high degree of homogeneity in the genotypes which could be due to a narrow genetic base.

Pages: 40-47

Quantitative Differentiation of Phenotypic Traits and Correlations between Achatina achatina and Achatina fulica Snails Based on Five Whorls

Authors : Etukudo O. M. ; Adam A. J. ; Bassey N. S.
Three hundred (300) adult black-skinned snails, consisting of one hundred and fifty (150) snails each of A. achatina and A. fulica with 5 whorls were procured from a snail farm in Ogun state, Nigeria and used for this study.  The body weights of the snails used ranged from 130.82 g to 268.70 g (average 136.89 g) for A. achatina species, and 48.70 g to 120.10 g (average 61.20 g) for A. fulica respectively. The results obtained in this study indicated that genetically, the A. achatina species are heavier and larger than the A. fulica counterpart with the same number of whorls (5). The results of the phenotypic correlation coefficient among the phenotypic traits of the two species of snails showed negative, weak, low significant (P<0.05) and mostly non-significant (P>0.05) differences between body weight and other phenotypic traits studied. The positive, low significant (P>0.05) phenotypic correlation coefficient (rp) obtained was r = 0.531 between body weight and aperture width, and r = 0.561between aperture width and spiral width respectively for A. achatina species of snails. The only positive and highly significant (P<0.01) phenotypic correlation coefficient of r = 0.610 was obtained between body shell width and aperture width for the same A. achatina species of snails. Species type, age and size differences of the snails used, number of whorls and body weight ranges have high effects on phenotypic trait differentiation and phenotypic correlation coefficient of estimation. Thus, the phenotypic traits of A. achatina and A. fulica species of snails studied could be selected for quantitative differentiation and characterization snails.

Pages: 34-39