Sumerianz Journal of Education, Linguistics and Literature

Online ISSN: 2617-1201
Print ISSN: 2617-1732
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)
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Volume 3 Issue 3 (2020)
The Teaching Strategies of Poetry in Two Selected Secondary Schools in Tarauni and Kumbotso Local Government Areas of Kano City
Authors : Olalere Waheed Raji ; Peter Ayoola Ajelabi ; Azeez Akinwumi Sesan
Abstract:The fall in standard of education in Nigeria is often evaluated with the performance of students in terminal examinations handled by West African Examination Council (WAEC) and National Examination Council. In the recent time, there have been reported cases of students’ failure in Literature-in English which has three genres (poetry, drama and prose). This paper limits its focus to poetry because it is often taken as the most difficult of all the genres of literature. Two schools were taken from Tarauni and Kumbotso local government areas of Kano. Students were selected with random sampling technique. These students were divided into experimental and control groups after the selection of ballot papers with yes or no written on them. Students in the experimental groups were taught by the researchers while the control groups were taught by their respective teachers. Comparing the pre-test and post-test of the experimental and control groups, it was found out that teaching strategies adopted by teachers have significant impact on the performance of students in Literature-in-English examination. In view of the findings, this paper, therefore, recommends that government should provide instructional materials in schools and teachers should be creative and dynamic in the course of teaching in their respective classrooms.
The Deployment of Bottom Power and the Aura of Sexuality in Historical and Literary Perspectives
Authors : Omowumi Olabode Steven Ekundayo (Ph.D.) ; Solomon Osekene (Ph.D.)
Abstract:Sex and its symbols invoke different feelings in people depending on their sexual orientation and the context of reference. This essay examines the universal lure and use of sex and ‘bottom power’ in human society. It specifically presents the daring use of ‘bottom power’ and human sexuality in history, classical and Biblical times and in three contemporary Nigerian novels. The essay is predicated on the Nigerian English concept of ‘bottom power’ and the social exchange theory for the explanation of human sexuality. It is a basic qualitative work which used library and Internet sources, critical thinking, keen observation of the deployment of bottom power in human society as well as excerpts from classical works, the Bible, ancient history, Ojaide’s Matters of the Moment, Okediran’s Tenants of the House, and Jonah’s The Trial of Sin. The essay established that human beings employ bottom power and sexuality to eke out a living and/or improve their social status, lubricate the social wheel and wield influence in society and complicate the chain and flow of life events. It concludes that bottom power users do face the pros and cons of the habit and social game. The selfish use of bottom power for socio-economic gains often undermines principles, quality and merit.