Sumerianz Journal of Education, Linguistics and Literature
Online ISSN: 2617-1201
Print ISSN: 2617-1732
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)
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Volume 1 Issue 2 (2018)
Methodology for Determining the Laboriousness of Assignments by Graphic Disciplines
Authors : Dr. Yskak Nabi ; Umirbai Ibishev
Abstract:Object: to develop the methodology for determining the laboriousness of assignments by graphic disciplines. Results: 1) determined the volume of students’ independent work performed on discipline "Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics"; 2) determined the time expenses on 1 format A4 and indicated usage of this index to design the volume of students’ independent work; 3) determined how much time reduced for expenditures to show the drawings using a computer; 4) show a comparison of 2D and 3D systems by the index of time expenses. Conclusion: The obtained data gives the ability to determine the student’s independently work laboriousness.
Evidence of General Reading Ability Without Schooling in Bronze Age Crete
Authors : Dr. Evangelos C. Papakitsos
Abstract:This paper presents the idea that a general reading ability of the population of Bronze Age Crete could have been possible without schooling, due to some special characteristics of the Eteocretan language, spoken at that era in Crete. The Eteocretan scribes deviced the Cretan Protolinear syllabary, by using the rebus principle, consisting of abstract/simplified images of natural objects for signs. The cognitive correspondence of those signs to the names/words of the depicted objects could have made reading feasible to the public, without the necessity of attending school, as it happens nowadays with the understandability of webdings and wingdings.
Youth Agoge- Education, in Ancient Sparta A Field Survey Researching Both
Authors : Maria Karagianni
Abstract:Our project is not a historical research, but based on secondary sources of historical information, it aims at probing Youth Agoge-Education in ancient Sparta. It seeks objectivity, describing aspects of the Spartan State. It compares the terms: "Agoge and education" of Sparta against the present terms. To support the project, a field survey shall be also used. The ultimate objective is the integrated scientific interpretation based on the findings of the field survey we have conducted in Athens.
School Culture and Spirituality in Workplace
Authors : Abdul Ghani Kanesan Abdullah ; Ying-Leh Ling ; Azians Binti Abu Hassan
Abstract:This quantitative descriptive study aimed to identify the influence of school culture on spirituality in workplace. A total of 540 randomly selected teachers were selected from 36 secondary schools in Penang as respondent in the study. Data for this survey were collected through a questionnaire which was adapted from literature review (Al-Amin, 2012; Maslowski, 2001; Milliman et al., 2002; Yaakob, 2007). The results of multiple regression analysis showed that school culture had positive and significant influence on spiritual at workplace. In term of the implications, this study showed that the leaders need to inculcate spirituality at work by creating a positive culture.
Factors Influencing Post Graduate Students’ Choice of Research Topic in Education at Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi-Nigeria
Authors : Aminu Yusuf
Abstract:Most frequent external and personal; difference between Ph.D and M.Ed students; on factors that influences the choice of research topic were among the objectives of the study. Survey design was used for the study. The population of the study consisted of 45 (20Ph.D and 25 M.Ed) Post Graduate (PG) students in education from Faculty of Technology Education (FTE), Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University (ATBU) Bauchi. Stratify random sampling was used to select 40(17 Ph.D, 23M.Ed) male and 10(4Ph.D, 6 M.Ed) female PG students in Education. Factors that influence PG students Choice of Research Topic in Education Questionnaire (CRTEQ) was developed, validated and used for data collection. Stability coefficient of 0.88 was established. Hypotheses were tested at α = 0.05 level of significance. The data was analyzed using frequency count, percentages and Chi- Square test. Findings from the study revealed that availability of the data method on external factors and the topic falls within my interest and intellectual ability on personal factors were the most frequent factors that influence choice of research topic by PG students in education. There is no significant differences (Chi-Square=.527, ρ<0.05) between Ph.D and M.Ed students in education on the factors that influence the choice of the research topic. Recommendations from the study includes Post Graduate Research Supervisors (PGRS) to take into consideration of student’s preference on choice of research topic, lectures to be organized to PG students in Education by Faculty on the qualities and sources of a good research topic.