Sumerianz Journal of Education, Linguistics and Literature

Online ISSN: 2617-1201
Print ISSN: 2617-1732
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)
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Volume 1 Issue 3 (2018)
What Can Education Do for Hiv/Aids? : Implications for the Administrators and Managers of Higher Education in Africa
Authors : Ayanniyi B. Alhassan
Abstract:The first human retrovirus was isolated in 1978 from an American male with T-cell Leukemia by Gallo and associates. Described for the first time in 1981, the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) become, in the space of few years, one of the most dreadful diseases of all time. While the exact origin and time of the emergence of HIV remain unsettled, it is now obvious that HIV/AIDS is an unprecedented havoc to the human race. The paper x-rayed government policy to the emergence of HIV/AIDS in different countries and argued that international image beyond political concerns, has decreed the agenda. Many countries in Africa initially refused to acknowledge AIDS within their borders for fear of stemming tourism while in the Caribbean the epidemic’s full extent is obscured by fear, denial, limited treatment and lack of public health resources. In Africa, the mode of transmission has been mainly through heterosexual networking including premarital, marital and extramarital sexual relationships. The majority of those who became infected with HIV/AIDS are sexually active young people with over 50% of infection occurring in the 15-24 age range. The paper examined reasons why women are more vulnerable to HIV infection and examined how many countries are ‘Getting to Zero’. HIV/AIDS has killed more than 40 million people globally, including celebrated and talented professionals, while in Africa, its consequences for the education sector are devastating affecting teachers, inspectors, administrators, planners and managers. In the light of the above, recommendations to remedy the situation and implications for university administrators in Africa are on offer.
Assessment of Research Skills Among Undergraduates in the University of Calabar, Nigeria
Authors : Odu, James Ogom
Abstract:The study assessed the research skills of undergraduates in the University of Calabar, Nigeria. The Ex-post Facor research design was adopted in this study which population consists of all the final year undergraduates of the 2016/2017 academic session. There were a total of 11,193 students as recorded by Academic planning unit of the university, 2017. The sampling techniques adopted for this study were the stratified, proportionate, accidental and simple random sampling techniques. The stratified sampling technique was used to stratify the University into stratum: Faculty of Education, Medical College, Faculty of Management, Faculty of Science and Faculty of Arts. The proportionate sampling technique was used to select 20% of the final year students from each Faculty while the accidental sampling technique was use to get at the respondents. A sample size of six hundred and ninety (690) undergraduates was used. The instrument used for data collection was an adapted University of Calabar assessment scale. The data collected was analyzed using population t-test. The study found that the research skills of undergraduates in the University of Calabar were significantly high. It was recommended in the study that every undergraduate should have a mentor, someone who is more knowledgeable and can guide them, not just in the area of academic success, but to also excel in the area of research.
The Effect of the Shift in Professional Development Models on a Saudi Arabian University Context
Authors : Adil Abdul Rehman
Abstract:This article discusses the shift in professional development models from inspectional to collegial systems and the effect of this trend in a Saudi Arabian university context. Members of the professional development unit responsible for the supervision of over 200 teachers in a Saudi Arabian university were interviewed. After qualitative analysis, three themes emerged: (1) Teacher Resistance (2) Willingness to listen to teachers (3) Standardization. The themes are discussed with the focus on how they help us determine which models of supervision influence the participant supervisors the most.