Sumerianz Journal of Education, Linguistics and Literature

Online ISSN: 2617-1201
Print ISSN: 2617-1732
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)
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Volume 5 Issue 4 (2022)
Is the Nigerian Pidgin Bread Being Buttered or Battered in Linguistics, Teaching and Use Worldwide?
Authors : Omowumi Olabode Steven Ekundayo
Abstract:(Nigerian) Pidgin is the number one lingua franca in Nigeria and West Africa, but determining its status and family is not straightforward, often controversial. This paper sets out to establish the status and descriptive labels of Nigerian Pidgin in use, teaching and linguistics to show that the real identity and status of the language is yet beclouded by nebulous typology and terminology of Nigerian English and world Englishes. The paper critically examines the sociolinguistic factors that constrain some linguists and laypeople worldwide to treat Naija as a nonstandard variety of Nigerian English, hence Nigerian Pidgin English (NPE) or Pidgin English (PE), and why it should be treated as a language different from English though English is its major lexifier. The paper used observation, usage/use examples and data from secondary sources and concluded that the language is not a variety of Nigerian English or world Englishes, thus proposing a new typology of Afro-Anglo or Afro-Euro-Asian Family of languages for world Pidgins and Creoles. The paper recommends that (i) users and teachers of the language should treat it as a language of its own and avoid using labels such as Pidgin English, Broken English, etc., which are derogatory, (ii) spell the word “Pidgin” or “Creole” always beginning with a capital letter, as is the rule for spelling the name of any language, (iii) universities in Nigeria as a matter of urgency should establish the department of Nigerian Pidgin and Literature to give full attention to its study, as in the case of Department of English and Literature in Nigerian Universities and (iv) it should be used in teaching.
Interpersonal Meaning in Apple New Product Launches: An Analysis of Tim Cook’s Speeches Based on AIDA Model
Authors : Chen Shuang ; Wang Weichao
Abstract:A new product launch is a popular strategy for companies to promote new products, publicize brand image, and connect with customers. It conforms to the four stages of the AIDA model: awareness, interest, desire and action. To introduce new products, the presentation speech conveys a plethora of interpersonal meanings. Based on the AIDA model, this thesis analyzes the interpersonal meaning of Apple’s current CEO Tim Cook’s speeches during Apple’s new product launches through mood, modality and person systems. This study aims to explore the types and distribution of lexico-grammatical resources that Cook adopts, and how these resources realize the interpersonal meaning and help Cook achieve alignment with the audience over Apple’s new product information in four steps of the AIDA model. The findings show that Tim Cook has an obvious preference for the resources in the speeches of Apple’s new product launches. He tends to use distinctive lexico-grammatical resources in four stages of the AIDA model to realize the interpersonal meaning.