Sumerianz Journal of Biotechnology
Online ISSN: 2617-3050
Print ISSN: 2617-3123
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)
Journal Website: Articles
The type and amount of food that Cladocera species eat is known to affect their growth, development, capacity for reproduction, and ultimately the size of their populations. This study examines the influence of different diet types and mixtures on th....
This study investigated the in vivo anti-trypanosomal activity of BMH-21. Wistar albino rats were randomly divided into eight groups, each consisting of five rats: IT20, IT40, and IT60. These groups received treatments with 20, 40, and 60 mg/kg body ....
Food additives offer a way to reduce food loss and waste, while simultaneously maintaining the supply of readily available, reasonably priced, and nutrient-dense food for human consumption, thus feeding the globe. Following a century of continuous re....
Solanum anomalum Thonn. Ex Schumach, Solanaceae fruits are used in Ibibio traditional medicine for the treatment of various ailments including diabetes mellitus and malaria. The ethanol fruit extract and fractions of S. anomalum were investigated for....
The presence of certain parasites in Clarias species consumed in Nigeria has continued to pose some challenges to fish production in many parts of Nigeria. The present study was aimed at assessing the sex-related distribution of parasites in gills an....
Beer production has promulgated the prevalence of heavy metal contamination in the environment (soil and water bodies). The magnitude of breweries wastewater-effluent effect discharged on soil and its effect on crop quality in terms of growth and phy....
In order to evaluate the activity of the lactoperoxidase enzyme (LPO), in colostrum and milk at the first month of lactation, the characterization of colostrum in cows was carried out from the first day postpartum and during the first month of lactat....
Trifolium tumens Stev. ex M. B is a perennial legume with long‐lived and deep rooting from the Vesicaria section in Trifolium genus. It is distributed in Iran. The base chromosome number (x = 8) in the population, confirmed the views of....