Sumerianz Journal of Business Management and Marketing

Online ISSN: 2617-0175
Print ISSN: 2617-1724

Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

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Volume 3 Issue 7 (2020)

The Role of Market Regulation in Enhancing Productivity Based on Business Capacity Development and Business Interest: The Case of Street Vendors in Banda Aceh City, Indonesia

Authors : Yusmalinar ; Said Musnadi ; M. Shabri Abd. Majid
This study examines and analyzes the role of market regulation in promoting productivity based on business capacity building and business interests of street vendors in Banda Aceh, Indonesia. A total of 225 street vendors were chosen as respondents in this study using quota sampling techniques. By using a Moderating Regression Analysis (MRA) based on Structural Equation Modelling (SEM), this study found that business capacity development and business interest have a positive effect on street vendor productivity. Market regulation moderates the effect of developing business capacity on increasing street vendor productivity. Conversely, market regulation does not moderate the effect of business interest on street vendor productivity. This research implies that to increase street vendors ’productivity, strengthening market regulations is needed to support the development of street vendors’ capacity in the city of Banda Aceh.

Pages: 91-97

A Review of Challenges of Adequate Funding and Effective Administration of Secondary Schools in South East Nigeria

Authors : Charity Egondu Duru-Uremadu Ph.D
The study examined challenges of adequate funding and effective administration of secondary schools in South East, Nigeria. It used a fundamental analysis method to consider effects of these challenges facing secondary schools such as: poor funding, lack of instructional facilities, inadequate classrooms, inadequate and low quality teachers, polluted learning environment, poor supervision, over population, school-community relationship, indiscipline among staff and students, corruption and misappropriation of funds would have on effective administration of schools. Findings of the paper established that proper management of these public crises coupled with provision of adequate funding would have a positive effect on the performance of secondary schools in South East, Nigeria. Paper therefore recommended that state governments and other stakeholders should endeavour to arm principals of schools with adequate funds that would enable them to effectively administer the schools to lead to an improved performance in the years ahead.

Pages: 87-90

Does Work Motivation Mediate the Effect of Organizational Culture and Justice on Employee Performance of the Public Works and Spatial Planning Agency?

Authors : Lilis Suryani ; Abdul Rahman Lubis ; M. Shabri Abd. Majid
This research empirically measures and analyzes the effects of organizational culture and justice on employee performance both directly and indirectly through work motivation at the work and spatial planning agency of Pidie District, Aceh Province, Indonesia. Of 173 officers, 120 were selected as the sample of the study using a proportionate stratified random sampling. Utilizing Structural Equation Modelling (SEM), the study documented that organizational culture and justice have a significant positive effect on work motivation. Besides, organizational culture and justice have an insignificant direct impact on employee performance, but their effects were found to indirectly and significantly through work motivation, indicating the full mediating effect. These findings imply that to improve employee performance, the focus must be given on enhancing work motivation based on the improvement of organizational culture and justice.

Pages: 79-86

Does Globalization Impact UAE Economy? An Empirical Evidence

Authors : Ali A. Alzoubi ; Haitham M. Alzoubi
This research analyzes the phenomenon of globalization and takes a closer look at the rippling effects of it being facilitated in a country like the UAE. many observations were made in 3 important sectors in the country that were greatly affected by the ramifications of being a globalization accepting country such as the tourism sector which turned into a full-on industry, the education sector which got many updates to accommodate the mindset of globalization exchange of intellectual resources amongst nations. An Empirical survey was conducted, Data were collected through a questionnaire, then analyzed to test the validation of the model. However, the most admirable and important change of all is the visible improvement and boost of the economy which has a positive effect on the financial sector of the UAE. To get more details about the effects of globalization a detailed analysis was done based on the results of a questionnaire that was administered to get an inside look into the effect of globalization on the UAE.

Pages: 74-78