Sumerianz Journal of Business Management and Marketing

Online ISSN: 2617-0175
Print ISSN: 2617-1724

Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

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Volume 3 Issue 8 (2020)

Does the Quality of Work-Life Mediate the Effects of Leadership and Work Environment on Employee Performance?

Authors : Rosa Arnika ; Muhammad Adam ; Hamdi Harmen
This study aims to explore the role of quality work of life in mediating the effects of leadership and work environment on employee performance at the Aceh Civil Service Agency (Badan Kepegawaian Aceh- BKA), Indonesia. From a total of 240 employees in BKA, as many as 150 employees were selected as respondents in this study using the proportionate stratified random sampling technique. By adopting the Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) approach, this study found evidence that leadership and work environment had a significant positive effect on the quality of work-life and employee performance. In addition, quality work of life was found to be significant in mediating the effects of leadership and work environment on employee performance. These empirical findings imply that to enhance employee performance, it can be done either directly by improving the quality of leadership and creating a conducive work environment or indirectly through improving the quality of work of life.

Pages: 116-123

Effect of Green Product, Green Price, Green Promotion and Green Place to Purchase Decision Mediated by Consumer Attitude on Green Coffee Shop

Authors : Lily Suhaily ; Syarief Darmoyo ; Sinta Boentoro ; Prima Dermawan
The weather is increasingly erratic, the ozone layer decreases, and rising earth temperatures can cause natural imbalances. Also, the amount of forests in the world from year to year continues to decline. In 2015 the number of forests worldwide was only 30.8% (World Bank, 2017). With the phenomenon of damage to the global environment, people can be aware to save the environment well. Both consumers and producers are beginning to think about preventing the environment from getting damaged. This causes new challenges for companies, producers and business owners in responding to global environmental damage. Besides that recent climate change is caused by an impact on the decline in environmental conditions caused by human activities without considering the principle of environmentally friendly. Climate change and global warming are happening all over the world, including Indonesia, In Indonesia, many individuals and groups of money have realized the importance of protecting the environment, starting from the community to the industry.  Food and beverage is one of the industry is growing. According to data from the Ministry of Industry, the Indonesian Food and Beverage Association (Gapmmi) states that increasingly high foreign interest will encourage investment in this industry by around 22% in 2015. A growing sector in the food and beverage industry in recent years is the coffee shop. The coffee industry in Indonesia is very diverse, starting from home-scale business units to multinational-scale coffee industries such as Maxx Coffee, Maxx Corner, Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks and Carribow Coffee. Starbucks as Green Coffee Shop is a multinational coffee shop that implements a Green Marketing strategy that is doing business using strategies that still care for the environment, such as promoting the use of reusable tumblers. Based on this conditions, the authors are interested in conducting research with the topic "Effect of Green Product, Green Price, Green Promotion and Green Place to Purchase Decision Mediated by Consumer Attitude on Green Coffee Shop. In collecting the data, because the population size is unlimited, therefore to determine the sample size is based on the ratio of 1 to 10 for maximum or 1 compared to 5 for minimal (Hair  et al., 2017). The sample to be taken is 5 x 30 = 150 respondents. To anticipate a questionnaire that can not be inputted, the author distributes 170 questionnaires. Questionnaires were distributed to respondents who had purchased coffee at green coffee shop by random sampling method. To analyze data, SEM PLS is used. The results of this study indicate that green price, green place and green promotion directly affect the customer attitude. Furthermore, attitude mediates the influence of green place and green promotion to purchase decisions.

Pages: 107-115

Does Performance Matter for Business Survival Based on the Enhancement of Locus of Control and Business Competence? The Case of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises

Authors : Elmi Suraya ; Nasir Azis ; M. Shabri Abd. Majid
This study examines and analyzes the mediating effects of business performance on the influences of locus of control and business competence on business survival, taking the case of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Banda Aceh City, Indonesia. Of the 743 MSMEs engaged in various business sectors, this study only selected 192 MSMEs involved in the creative economy as the research samples. By using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) technique, the study documented that the strengthening of locus of control has a significant impact on the business performance and the business survival of the MSMEs. Furthermore, entrepreneurial competence is also found to have a significant positive impact on the business performance and the business continuity of the MSME. Finally, the study also recorded the mediating effects of business performance on the influences of locus of control and business competence on the business survival of the MSMEs. The results of this study indicate that to ensure business continuity, the focus must be given to improving the performance of MSMEs through the increased locus of control and employee competency.

Pages: 98-106